Friday, June 19, 2009

The Past Month...Busy...Busy!

So, obviously by the title of the post...we have been a little too busy to post to the blog. But I couldn't not let you know about some of the great things that have been going on.

1. Reynolds High School took 1st of all bands in the Starlight Parade. It was a fabulous warm evening in Oregon, and we went to route them on.

Yeah Nicole! March left, right, left, flute...march....
2. Amanda played in her last band concert. She has decided to retire from the percussion section, even though she rocks. She has decided she wants to pursue other interests. We are not sure what the band is going to do without her organization skills of keeping those boys in line!

She was playing all sorts of instruments back there...not sure which one in this photo.
In this photo she was playing the drums.
3. Nicole not only still has first chair in her band, she also had a solo and did an outstanding job.
Here she is playing her solo.
Why you might ask is she wearing her prom dress?? Junior and Senior girls are allowed to wear them for there final performance!

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