Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brave Ricky!

As many of you know...Ricky was born tongue tied. We have been discussing with him that it would be very beneficial to him to get it clipped. He has been very scared and anxious about this. After much advice regarding whether or not to do this procedure, everyone from his pediatrician to his teacher to his speech therapists have said this would be extremely helpful to his speech impediment.

Friday we had an appointment with the specialist to discuss the procedure. He looked at Ricky and said, lets do it today! So, right there, that moment, and in a matter of minutes...Ricky got his tongue clipped. He was very brave!

We celebrated with ice cream for lunch and a special dinner out. The specialist said that he will have to re-learn how to speak and do exercises to get muscles in his tongue. He is very proud because he too is just like his friend Miles.

The Oregon Coast...

This is how the 5 of us enjoyed part of our spring break...
we had a blast.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Amanda's Birthday party

On Saturday we celebrated Amanda's birthday. The 4 of us, Aunt Kelli, Uncle Gary and Aunt Sharon, Grandma and Grandpa, and Amanda's friend Amy all helped celebrate.

This year was Amanda's first year blowing out all of her birthday candles in one breath. Usually it takes her many to even get out one but this year she did it. (We will not mention that she didn't really blow, it was more of a laugh with a big sigh that blew them all out!) We still love you!
Amanda's theme was Butterflies and mom made a beautiful cake for her :)
...With some extra butterfly topped cupcakes!

Amy watched as Amanda opened all of her gifts. And as you can see in the picture Amanda was very excited to get a Wii. She never thought she would really get one but I guess that good birthday candle blow-out helped :)

Grandma and Grandpa stayed over and we got them playing the Wii. Even grandma played in her walker. Grandpa and I played bowling for the first time together and I tell you...don't play against him. He beat me by a lot on his first try! If you think you are good at Wii bowling try playing against Grandpa!

Amanda's birthday breakfast. She had a candle in her eggs, cinnamon roll and coffee. And she didn't let us down this birthday when she couldn't blow out these candles.
Happy Birthday Amanda! We love you and hope you enjoyed your special day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Baby Girl Turned 14 Today!

This is Amanda at 4 months old! Such a cutie! And a photo where she was actually not crying!

Amanda we love you for who you are.
You have a beautiful sensitive personality and heart with a desire to love others and God.
We love your smile and sense of humor.
My favorite part lately about you is your mad cooking skills!
You rock girl!
Happy 14th!

Opening the Gifts!

Ricky was still blowing bubbles from the night before!
Nicole... ??? (great grandma is in the background)
Ricky finally got into some of the action of opening the gifts, after he finished a couple pieces of wedding cake!
Jason and Kate are off honeymooning in Cancun for 2 weeks. Wish it was us!
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Kate & Jason Got Married!

Friday, March 6th, Rob's sister Kate and our new brother in law Jason got married after 3 plus years of dating. Here are just a few photos we were able to capture that night. The girls were junior bridesmaids, Rob walked his sister down the isle since their father is deceased and Ricky helped take the gifts. We were all quite attractive, don't you think! :-)
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