Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Surprise!!! We fooled YOU!!!

Amanda has always wanted a surprise party...
Sunday, after church, we surprised her and family and friends met at Buster's to celebrate the big 13!
A CELL PHONE!!! Grandpa and Grandma got her the Samsung Juke cell phone...you can't tell she was surprised can you? (It was a double surprise...she thought she had another year until she got her own cell phone.)
The beautiful cake!

The BB Birthday Bash!

The Birthday girl had cinnamon rolls and an omelet for breakfast...and then got to open a present!
A Basketball!
The birthday cupcakes...
2 girls ended up not making the party...but these 4 girls had a great time. And then, Amy spent the night and we went to dinner!
What would a 13th birthday be if your parents didn't take you to a restaurant and have them sing to you and tie ballons under your chin! Thanks for helping us out Red Robin!
We had a great day celebrating her 13th birthday!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday Amanda!

Mandy...as her friends call her, Fritze...as her grandparents call her, Manda...as her sister and dad call her, and Amanda...as Mom calls you...turned 13 today! Wow! 10 yrs ago I never believed I would see this day...my daughter was so sick, recovering from Meningitis and Pneumonia...only to get chicken pox soon thereafter. Amanda you have beaten all odds...and continue to do so every day! You make your parents so proud. You are becoming a beautiful young lady. I love your individuality, your contagious smile, gentle and caring spirit. I love your ability to do what you put your mind too. I love the way you love others.

This is Amanda on her 7th birthday with her Uncle Terry. She had a princess themed party that year! (To those of you that don't know Amanda well enough, she has always been going to become a princess since she was old enough to talk. She was going to live in a Castle in Spokane or France! She was counting on the man in the photo to make this happen! If Terry were still alive...it just may have!)
Amanda's favorite animal are giraffes. Here she is at the Sacramento zoo.

Amanda loves themed parties...we've had quite a few different themes as the years have gone by...Barbie, Arthur, Giraffes, Diva, Princess, 50's Drive Inn, Cowgirl, etc. The list goes on. She doesn't like to repeat...she likes to be very different, and she likes everything to be about that theme! We will post pictures soon of this years theme...Basketball!
Hope you have a great time celebrating becoming a teen...We love you! Party on Princess!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Romeo, Romeo..Where for art thou my Romeo

Placed with another loving family, not the Harding's. Back to the drawing board. Nothing in the works right now. Haven't heard of any new commities coming up. Just waiting!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Letter We All Waited for...

and were really scared to open! It would/could change Nicole's future forever!
The envelope!

The Center of Advanced Learning...in Gresham.

The letter!

One word Nicole really wanted to see....CONGRATULATIONS!
Nicole was accepted into CAL's medical health science program! The even better news...two of Nicole's good friends were also accepted. As Nicole and Nancy stood by the car today, I tore open the letter, because neither of them could, and screamed out loud after reading the first sentence. Nancy and Osdale found out today also that they were accepted for the same field. We have been nervous this week as friends got called into counselors offices to be told that they were not accepted or were on long waiting lists.
We are so proud of you Nicole! We know that you have worked so hard to accomplish this goal. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Nancy and Osdale too!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Amanda = A Basketball Player

Amanda decided to try out for basketball this year! She has never played before. She and her good friend Anna tried out for varsity and didn't make it. But, they didn't let that stop them! They decided to play on the "intramural" or JV team. They practice everyday for 2 hrs after school and scrimmage against each other. (There are enough girls to make 3 teams.) Today though, they played the other middle school. It was fun to see the girls in action. Nicole and I got to watch Amanda and her friends play. They are learning...watch out though...practice makes perfect! Good job Amanda!