Friday, February 01, 2008

This Could Be The Last...

Weekend that I leave only 2 girls at home with their dad when I head off to a Women's Retreat from church or anything else. (A bunch of us are headed to Lincoln City this weekend to encourage one another.) We talked with our caseworker yesterday and found out that the other family members out of state for the adoption of the twins were eliminated on Tuesday from the possiblity of being the forever family for the boys. Within the next two weeks, the committee members are to meet again and decide between us and another family. So, once again we wait with anticipation to see if we are going to become a family of 6!


Rachel said...

Praying hard for you guys right now! I can't imagine that kind of anticipation...but a family of 6, that I CAN imagine, haha. Those twin boys don't even know how lucky they would be to be a part of your lives/family. Sounds like you guys would feel pretty special too :) Keep hanging in there!

Eric 'n Leah said...

Wowee! You failed to share that over the weekend.... :-) I guess that's what I get for not checking blogs on Friday. What a blessing to have (another) end in sight for the boys. Surely they are wondering why it has taken so long too!