Thursday, November 02, 2006

Day Two at the Hospital!

Mom is much better.

She now gets up and walks around!! She is eating now, talking more, awake more, and laughing! that is always a good sign! Tonight she told us she is feeling better because she was mad that we were eating in front of her!! I know...not very nice but we were hungry!

Hopefully she is coming home tomorrow! She is making good progress! Even in one day there is a big difference!


Eric 'n Leah said...

So I hope you got permission to post the pic! :-) We love you Hardings! Hang in there!

rdnaharding said...

NO SHE DID NOT!! Mom was too drugged to know!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog - especially great was Debbie on her 2nd day at the hospital. The picture says it all. Glad you are better now - it was great to see you. Love, Sharon